a5c7b9f00b A good version of Lex Luthor from a parallel Earth comes to the Justice League's dimension for help to fight their evil counterparts. After seeing many Anime cartoons like Naruto and Bleach, American cartoons just doesn't seem to cut it for me anymore. Of course these cartoons are based on the numerous superheroes that we have loved when we were kids, like Superman, Flash, Batman Those days we would be crazy about a movie like this and would have enjoyed this very much. But after watching toons like Avatar, Devil may cry and Naruto all those WB cartoons do seem to miss that certain something. I think it maybe the lack of moves. I mean the ability of the anime artists to come up with a fight scene with wonderfully awesome moves that tempt us to repeatedly to watch the scene, seems to lack in the creativity of the American cartoonist. Nevertheless they seem to overly have the ability to make sexy cartoon characters. 10/10 stars for Superwomen! And also the dialogues aren't exactly awesome compared to anime ones. Not to mention the music! People who have watched Avatar: the last airbender will know what I am talking about. BTW This movie is special cause it has a good degree of violence making it more, kind of, awesome. Favorite Quote : "Humans are a cancer, and I mean to cut out the disease" – Owl man Finally I must add Batman is the most awesome Superhero of all time. Period! Cote, although ably written by the great Dwayne McDuffie, inevitably pales by comparison with "A Better World" a two part episode of JL series and one of the finest moments in superhero broadcast. Cote actually goes back to the roots of "A Better World", a 1960s comic-book classic called "Crisis on Earth Three" although Owlman's desire to destroy the multi-verse gives a very big nod to 1980s story "Crisis on Infinite Earths".(Sorry if all these crises are confusing) The story is largely very close to the comic book original. On a parallel dimension, a gang with powers very similar to the JL are using those powers for evil and so call themselves The Crime Syndicate of America (as in the original comic. This differs from " A Better World" since the CSA are NOT the JL whereas in ABW The Justice Lords ARE the JL who have taken a different path.<br/><br/>This is a good premise, and indeed in the original comic was an outstandingly novel and exciting idea. However, it must be said that after seeing AB, the idea has been somewhat blunted. ABW was actually going to be a literal reworking of the original CoET story before they hit upon the richer idea of the Justice Lords.<br/><br/>Having decided to belatedly adapt the original story, I must say they do a pretty good job, although Batman's keenness to sacrifice Johnny Quick leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
I loved The Justice League: Crisis On Two Earths. howtobuycbdoils.com I feel like 8 years old boy when I have seen it, improves with a lighter tone and more action. I love Superman, he was so handsome and cool.
discrabraxi Admin replied
337 weeks ago